
The Joys and Challenges of Solo Travel

Travelling alone is, in fact, one of the most enriching, empowering, and unadulterated forms of entertainment one can engage in during their lifetime. Traveling independently to a new city, country or culture is a whole different ball game as it comes with many benefits – independence, flexibility, meeting random amazing people, discovering yourself, reflecting alone in beautiful places, and improving your confidence levels. The following are also possible disadvantages of traveling alone; One may feel lonely or homesick, especially when in a new place, one has to deal with public transport, security, organization of transport among other factors. Thus, the knowledge of the benefits and drawbacks will help you start planning your solo trip.

When you travel alone, every minute, decision, conversation, discovery, and escapade made is yours and made on your own volition. You are totally free and autonomous. There is no more waiting for others, dashing to catch up with a group, or settling for mediocre places to eat, drink, sight-see or sleep because that is what friends wanted. It’s all about decision making and the rhythm you set for yourself. You can plan your day and choose what to do, change the plans at the moment, listen to intuition or curiosity and go wherever it leads, get lost in sights, cultures, people, small corners, new adventures, or just silence that solo travelling presents.

Being a lone traveler also helps in self-searching and exploring. Traveling alone for days or weeks strips you of your outer shell and reveals the real self in a manner not easily done when surrounded by friends, family, workplace, and daily obligations. You get to learn more about what you enjoy doing, what you want to learn, and the core of who you are. Travelling alone is a means of finding the deepest and the most daring side of yourself.

The idea of mastering a new place all by yourself, challenging yourself, meeting new people, trying out new dishes or endeavors, usually out of one’s comfort zone brings so much joy. Touring alone exposes you to new environments and makes you face various conditions that will always remain memorable.

Traveling alone is also good because you enjoy experiences more intensely. Your senses are tuned in to scenes, colors, smells, tastes, conversations, and revelations in your surroundings. There are opportunities for relaxing, watching others, and taking pictures. When you are sitting in a café, park or a museum for an hour alone, walking through the alleys without a specific plan, you see, hear, feel or capture something that you might not had you been with others. One just becomes more sensitive to the feel of objects and other things that are within the vicinity.

In regards to challenges, like any other form of travel, solo travel also has its own. It is always very natural to have certain sense of loneliness, isolation or even feeling of vulnerability when you are moving through a strange terrain on your own. Every explorer has some of those days when one wants to find people to share the exciting find, interesting conversation over lunch, a funny incident or an astounding view with. This is normal, so the next time you feel like this, go ahead and message friends and family back home. Maintain social interaction through technology when away for motivation and a lift to one’s spirit.

Language issues, orientation to public transport systems, walking at night through unknown streets, converting money, and handling the resultant unexpected situations such as missing a bus or a train may also look easier with a friend when one is exploring the area for the first time. However, the desire to plan everything on your own and to learn how to depend on one’s ability to solve problems, find people, and develop confidence in oneself will make the next trip even easier when traveling alone. They will naturally acquire basic taxi phrases, knowledge of subway systems, confidence in directions, and other travelling skills over time.

Of course, no guidebook or story is capable of preparing you for the realities, beauties, unexpected situations, and nuances of traveling alone, but reading such books will help you condition your mind and be ready for your first solo trip. There is no one way to do it also. It is important to note that what may be liberating or challenging will depend on the person and location. Trust your instincts as you proceed.

Stretched boundaries and bravery muscles develop the spirit and the mind. The first few times you decide to travel alone, you are bound to have some fears, or at least some doubts, when you start researching and planning for the trip; but courage is not the absence of the fear, it is the decision to go ahead even when the fear is still present. The concept of having both an external adventurer and an internal calm presence in a solo trip makes the person stronger, more flexible, and having more appreciation in life once the trip is over.

Solo travel makes you realize that you carry within you all that one needs to traverse this beautiful expanse of this planet – courage, desire, laughter, practical wisdom, and instinct. What pleasures, troubles or development is there for you out there? Why not book that ticket and go look for yourself, and find out just how true this statement is. The treasures will be profound in a way beyond your understanding.

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